How To Write A Persuasive Speech? Mastering The Art of Persuasion

Every student remembers the day when they are assigned a speech assignment. It’s hard, time-consuming and takes a lot of effort. Many students are unfamiliar with it and must learn how to write a persuasive speech. This will not only help them in winning an argument but also their audience as well. This guide will help students in simple steps to achieve perfection. 

Essential Steps to Write a Persuasive Speech for Empowering your Message 

There are many steps to persuade your audience, such as your professors and peers, on your arguments. The following steps will help students in persuasion regardless of the topic and its complications. There are many other non-conventional ways, like hiring an essay writing service to complete your work.

Select The Topic For a Persuasive Speech

Having a topic for writing a persuasive speech is the first step towards the right direction. Usually, students are assigned persuasive topics by their professors. Some colleges transfer the job of selecting a topic to the participating student. Either way, a topic already chosen or selected by students should invoke persuasiveness in the audience. The selection of subjects helps in knowing how to write a persuasive speech. Your topic should provide the true value of persuasion to your audience.

It’s also vital that a topic should be debatable and introduce its audience to new findings. Topic resonance with its audience makes it worthy of the time they will spend listening to a persuasive speech.

If you aren’t quite sure what topic will be the best for your speech, checkout this detailed blog of persuasive speech topics to pick a potential, debatable, and trendy topic.

Appropriate Research

The second step is to go through and conduct appropriate research. Since a persuasive speech is about persuasion, anyone can achieve it with valid arguments and analysis. There are two steps to doing such work. Students can read plenty of books or use a research paper writing service to ease the process of getting credible information.

Research ensures the credibility of speech and its arguments. It also keeps the target audience on their feet and eyes hooked to the presentation. The best way forward is gathering both-sided arguments, against and in favor ones. This way, students can research persuasive topics unbiasedly and on neutral grounds.

Add Goals to Satisfy the Audience’s Curiosity

The third step is defining the goals of a persuasive speech. Knowing how to write a persuasive speech with specified goals is very important. Here is. Goals help to determine the parameters of a thesis statement. A presenter can distribute goals accordingly for the different sections of the persuasive presentation. 

Students can determine how to use an introduction to entertain the audience, such as with jokes or motivational quotes. These goals will help them achieve their mission of persuading their audience to take any specific action. 

Students need to assure that the primary purpose of a persuasive essay is clear and achieved through the context of the essay.

For example, suppose an environmentalist wants to convince their audience about endangered species and their protection. In that case, they can use strong emotional quotes. A good quote or paragraph from a prominent writer promotes love and a sense of care. It helps in achieving the objective of the speech.

Set goals help students to evaluate the success or failure of delivering a speech to their audience. Adding surveys or short questionnaires to support your goals helps convince the audience.

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Enhance the Speech’s Appeal by using Pathos, Ethos, and Logos

A successful persuasive speech has three essential parts. These parts build an emotional connection with the audience. Pathos, ethos, and logos are the primary motivators for supporting points or arguments.

Ethos proves arguments as being ethical or based on honesty. It ensures the audience the argument presented to them fulfils ethical parameters. Pathos induces emotional appeal, and logos present logic or solid reasons for the speech’s main points.

Writing a speech is only effective when all these emotional and essential qualities are added. These three sentimental appeals are necessary for your speech to be persuasive. 

Define Who’s the Audience 

The fifth step in writing a persuasive speech is defining and categorizing the audience. Presenting a personal story in a persuasive speech in college means the audience must be students and teachers. Therefore a perfect speech should encompass their expectations.

The key success secret and primary goal of perfect essay writing practice is to address the relevant audience.

Public speaking is difficult, and meeting evaluation teachers’ expectations is even harder. A tailor-made speech about the specific audience helps segment and win their trust. This way, the best persuasive speech can be composed effortlessly and successfully.

Start With The Introduction 

A persuasive speech always starts with a good introduction to the topic. In public speaking, an opening is the most substantial part of persuading an audience. It serves as a hook that captures the audience’s attention and intrigues them throughout the speech.

Furthermore, the introduction has three parts, a hook sentence, a thesis statement, and background information. Together all these parts form a solid emotional connection.

Adding Authentic Research, Valid Arguments in the Body Paragraph

The next step is writing the body paragraph of the speech. Enticing your audience’s attention by adding real-life examples enhances the credibility of the speech and its narrative. The body paragraph is the most important part of the speech due to its significance.

Students need to add their entire findings on the topic, such as authentic results and contradictory statements here. Main points, their counter-arguments and emphasis on the crux of findings cement the presenter’s approach. 

Research or evidence can be used as a first-person narrative like “I” or “We”. Supporting arguments should support the speech and its objectives without going out of context.

The use of “I” can be better understood by reading the blog “can you use I in a persuasive essay.” Using a first-person narrative helps a presenter or a student offer findings more confidently.

Conclude the Speech by Reiterating your Arguments

The conclusion is the last step in writing a compelling speech that makes the audience’s day. Although it’s a mere rephrasing of the entire argument and narrative, it still works like a final blow. Concluding a speech serves as a closing stage for the entire discussion. It only requires a few lines to make the speech listeners believe your narrative.

The final line or words should be a game-changer for the audience. Just re-introducing the evidence and its crux gets the job done. It’s also worth noting that an expert speech writer adds a few lines or words to thank the audience for active participation.

how to write a persuasive speech


This impressive guide has helped many students in writing a perfect speech. To know exactly how to write a persuasive speech, it’s important to follow a step-wise approach. To get a good grip on your writing practices, an ultimate guide of persuasive essay would help to compose and structure your essay. Reading the blog till the end will also help you make an outstanding speech for your college in the future.


A persuasive speech is an address to persuade your audience to agree with your findings.

Select a topic, write an introduction and body paragraph and add the final part as a conclusion.

A persuasive speech has the following parts.

  • The introduction consists of a hook sentence, a thesis statement, and background information.

  • Body paragraph that contains your entire research, evidence and arguments in favor or against it.

  • A short but concise conclusion

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