Are you preparing to deliver a persuasive speech but struggling to find the right topic? It’s hard to pick a strong topic that interests you and impresses your audience. But don’t worry! Our writers have created a list of 150+ persuasive speech topics to help you win your listeners in no time.

List of 150+ Persuasive Speech Topics from Across The Board

Words brought about the biggest changes in the world. Consider how Martin Luther’s “I Have A Dream” swayed the twenty million African Americans to fight for racial equality. Persuasive speech is a great tool to influence those around you. 

The standard persuasive speech outline helps in stretching your essay and establishing credibility and professionalism. 

Whether you’re a student trying to meet deadlines or a professional trying to make an impact, here is our list of persuasive speech topics you can pick for your next speech.

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics On Politics

  • Poverty and Democracy

  • Politics and Corruption

  • Free vs. Paid Medical Care

  • Possible Indictment: Donal Trump and Hush Money Scheme

  • Comparison: Joe Biden and Barack Obama’s Presidency

  • Debt Ceiling and Sinking Economy

  • Ideas Versus the Use of Taxes

  • Global Media Censorship

  • Covid-19 Political Response and Recovery

  • Providing Value to People and Culture Through Politics

  • How to provide value to your people through politics

  • Harsh Immigration laws

  • Dissolving Governments in the History of the US

  • Refugees and American Political Stance

  • Politics and Combate Against Drug Crime

  • Cold Wars and Current Political Climate

  • Government’s Stance Against Police Violence

  • Trade Policy and Economic Prosperity

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Politics And Climate Change

  • How Are Industries Disappearing From Third World Countries

  • Women’s Rights Violation across USA

  • Politics and School Shootings

  • Clash of Tweets: Donald Trump vs. Greta Thunberg

  • Politics and Human Trafficking

  • Why Are Governments Pushing the Use of AI in Most Fields

  • Terrorism and War Crimes 

  • The Afghan War and Its Consequences

  • Political Influence on Pop Culture

  • Hindu-Extremism and Its Political Roots: Modern India

  • The Wake of 9/11

  • Pre- and Post- Taliban Afghanistan

  • Nuclear Power and The Looming Threat to Humanity

  • Popular Scandals in Politics

  • Obama’s Presidency and the Death of Osama Bin Laden

  • Rigging of the 2016 US Presidential Election

  • Ukraine War and Fallout on European Union

  • Putin’s Presidency and Russian Politics

  • Lack of Political Support Against Global Warming

  • Are Petro-Economy Days Over?

  • Global Arm Supplies and Dictator-Run States

  • Fall of Saigon

  • Korean War and the End of American Supremacy

  • Use of Pegasus Spyware by Middle-Eastern Countries and Freedom of Speech 

  • Politics and the Rise of Homeless Population in the USA

  • Orwell’s 1984 and Political Implemented Privacy Issues 

  • Rise of Militancy in America’s Non-NATO Ally Pakistan

  • Regime Change and American Interests

  • Lockheed Martin F-35 (The Biggest Political Mistake in American History)

These are some of the latest political matters for you to pick. Writing a persuasive speech is natural if you’re good at composing essays. Unfortunately, most college students struggle to find their footing in essay writing. But why worry when you can hire an essay writer to help you write the best persuasive speech?

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Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Abortion: Pro-Life Versus Pro-Choice

  • Adoption In Gay Couples 

  • Airport Security Measures and Biases 

  • Female Versus Male Birth Controls 

  • Bullying 

  • Government Conspiracy: 9/11 

  • Cloning 

  • Marital Rape 

  • Death Penalty 

  • Incestal Relationships

  • Is Religion the Source of all the Wars in the World?

  • Are Contraceptive Pills Encouraging Extramarital Affairs or Adultery?

  • Medical Social Workers and Loopholes and Healthcare System 

  • Instagram and Body Image in Young Women 

  • Does Nudity Equates to Entertainment (Shows Like Game of Thrones and Euphoria Can Be Studied)

  • Genital Mutilation in Religious Practices 

  • Tattoos and Taboos 

  • Lying On Resume To Fight Toxic Standards 

  • Terminating Pregnancies Over Unhealthy Fetus 

  • Polygamy

  • Gender Quotas In Elections 

  • Money and The Law of Attraction 

  • Teen Marriages and Spike in Population 

  • Why are People Not Running Away From North Korea?

  • COVID-19 and Its Controversial Origins 

  • Undocumented Immigrants in the USA

  • Catholic Church and Misogyny 

  • The idea of the “Perfect Woman” and the Virgin Mary (A Virgin Mother)

  • Feminism and Spike In Man-Childs 

  • Yakuza Syndicates and Their Fear in Japan 

  • Governments and Organ Trafficking 

  • The murder of Princess Diana 

  • Doomsday Vault 

  • Children and Exposition to Sex Education 

  • Pedophiles and Short Sentences 

  • Secret Societies and Current Entertainment Industries 

  • Child Abuse Cases Against the Vatican

  • Is Pompeii An Example of the Wrath of God?

Since persuasive speeches are widely popular, selecting a controversial topic is a huge challenge. Checkout this ultimate guide of persuasive essay to get started with your speech writing in the most effective way.

Persuasive Speech Topics on Social Media

Social media has influenced two entire generations. It is only natural to consider it one of the hot topics of all time. So, here are some persuasive speech topics on social media that you can use to impress your audience.

  • Role of Social Media and Education 

  • Social Media and Lack of Productivity in Younger Generations 

  • Radicalization and Social Media 

  • Encouragement of Small Businesses and Social Media 

  • Hate Speech 

  • Cyber Bullying 

  • Harmful Trends on Social Media Platforms 

  • Social Media Trolls and Real-Life Issues 

  • Ever Changing Body Images ( growing unrealistic with each change) 

  • How is Social Media Shaping Modern Dating

  • Mass Surveillance and Media

  • Credibility in Content in Social Media

  • Too Much Activity on Social Media is Harmful

  • Cyber Stalking 

  • All Time Available Communication Channel

  • Essay Informational Spread 

  • Help In Employment

  • Spike in Consumerism 

  •  Promoting Social Division 

  • Fear of Missing Out

  • Rise of Detrimental Psychological States In Youngsters 

  • Use of Cell Phones When Driving 

  • Social Media and Child Groomers 

  • Gaming Sites and Predators 

  • Liberation Technology 

  • Political Polarization and Social Media 

  • Essay Excess to Educational Sites 

  • Easier Access to victims for Sex Offenders

  • Social Help Groups on Social Media 

  • Crime Solving Groups on Social Media (Netflix Documentary: Don’t **** With Cats Can be Studied) 

  • Collaboration Opportunities 

  • Crowdfunding for Social Issues 

  • Remote Working 

  • Access to Mental Health Support 

  • Romanticization Mental Health

  • Easy Vocalization and Freedom of Speech 

  • Social Media Ends Distances: Global Village

Ethical Persuasive Speech Topics

Ethics as a subject is more encouraged in academic settings. If you are writing a persuasive speech for your school project, picking ethical persuasive speech topics is a smart choice. 

  • Ethics and Unpaid Internships 

  • Cell Phone Usage in Classrooms 

  • Pro-life Versus Pro-Choice 

  • Paid Versus Free HealthCare 

  • Punishing War Crimes 

  • Veganism: Is It Cruel to Eat Meat?

  • Is It Okay To Force the Idea of Any Diet (Veganism)

  • Shaming People for Their Belief Systems 

  • Freedom of Speech: Pro- and Against LGBT

  • Racial Hate 

  • Police Violence and Brutality 

  • Gender Biases

  • Workplace Ethics 

  • Eco-Friendly Means Human-Friendly

  • Psycho-Therapy and Stigma Against It 

  • Ethical Response to Mental Illnesses

  • State and Religion 

  • Drug Usage: Ethics Versus Law

  • Ethical Wars 

  • Animal Testing 

  • Unethical Psychological Experimentation 

  • Cyber Issues

  • Unethical Use of AI 

  • Equal Pay Issues 

  • Ethical Cheating

  • Ethical Conflicts of Genetic Engineering 

  • Unethical Marketing Strategies in Beauty Industry 

  • How is Fashion Industry Scamming Women for Years 

  • Unethical Custody Battles of Children After Divorce

  • Ethical Religious Fundamentalism 

  • Social Media and Cyber Bullying 

  • Bullying in Schools and Workplaces 

  • Physician-Assisted Suicide

  • Ethical Debate on the Use of Euthanasia 

  • Drug Testing On Humans 

  • Using the Brain of Criminals for Research

  • Hyping Criminals 

  • Islamophobia and Attacks on Religious Minorities

  • Post COVID Monopoly 

  • Ethical Implications and Entertainment Industry

  • Moral Complications against “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” 

  • Capital Punishment and Ethical Issues 

  • Use of Opioids in Medicine 

  • Energy Saving 

  • Trans Rights 

  • Ethics and Pets 

  • Nuclear Bombs and Moral Stigma 

  • Child-Labour Versus Developing Skills In Children 

  • Ethical Crisis Among Social Media Influencers 

  • Violation of Public Places Regulation 

  • Disrespecting Cultural and Religious Values 

  • Old Homes and Ethical Issues 

  • Companies Collecting Personal Data of Customers 

  • Environmental Degradation 

  • Exploiting Children through Consumerism

  • Lack of Accountability 

  • Ethical Issues in Education System 

  • Child-Marriages 

  • Media Freedom

  • Animal Rights 

  • Honor Killing 

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Persuasive Speech Topics On Art and Culture:

With technology and AI being the mainstream topics, fewer people talk about the arts. To combat this issue, we have compiled a list of persuasive speech topics on art and culture for your convenience. 

Revival Of Period Setting in India Cinema 

  • Lack of authenticity in Modern Art 

  • AI Versus Human Creativity

  • Is AI Going To Replace Human Art 

  • Men and Statement Jewelry (Historical Review or Study)

  • Performance Art and Its Importance 

  • Gender Biases in Traditional Art 

  • Impressionism 

  • Being Inspired and Stealing Art 

  • Traditional Art 

  • Musical Therapy and Its Effectiveness

  • Cultural Appreciation days 

  • Schools Must have Annual Art Festivals 

  • Language and Its Historical Significance in Anyway Cultural 

  • Cultural Food 

  • Street Art and Its Evolution 

  • How Colonization has Harmed Traditional Clothing

  • Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Society 

  • Globalization Versus Traditions

  • Role of Religion and Social Culture 

  • Social Media and Cultural Identity 

  • Museums Should be Romanticized 

  • The decline of Artistry Due to Regular Job Choices 

  • Pop Fashion and Influence of Alternative Subcultures

  • Eco-Fashion

Persuasive Speech Topics For High-Schoolers 

  • Eating Disorders in Teens and High-Schoolers 

  • Relativity of the Show 13 Reasons Why in High-Schoolers 

  • Bullying and Mental Health Issues 

  • Why More Students Should Opt for a Career In the Military 

  • Sports and Value of Extracurricular Activities 

  • How Are Videos Games Affecting High-Schoolers 

  • Teen Pregnancies and Social Stigmas 

  • Lack Of Career Choices for High-Schoolers 

  • Uniforms and Dresscodes 

  • Syllabus Relevancy 

  • Lack of Education on Black History

  • Debating and Confidence: Encouraging Students with Good Topics To Argue About

  • Lack of Education on Indigenous Culture 

  • Influence of White-Washing All Cultures 

  • Self-Image and The Idea of “Fitting In” In High Schoolers 

  • School Shootings and Added Stress for Safety in Teens 

  • Anxiety Disorders in Students

  • Singular Versus Coed Education 

  • Cheating and Examination 

  • Drug Abuse in High-Schoolers 

  • Cosmetic Industries and Animal Testing 

  • How is Binge-Watching Netflix Bad For Your Physical Well-Being 

  • Joining Book Clubs 

  • Children From Broken Families Partake in Bullying More Often 

  • Abuse in Teens by Some Parental Figures

  • Sexual Assaults in High Schoolers and Its Impact on a Society 

  • Narcissism and Social Validation In High School 

  • Academics and Criteria of Individual Success

  • Minorities and Academic Stereotyping 

  • How to End the Plastic Crisis 

  • Science Festivals and Opportunities for Students 

  • The aftermath of Wars: Ruinning Historical Sites 

  • Learning Basic Survival Skills Should be Part of the School 

  • High-Schoolers and Alcoholism 

  • Exposure of High-Schoolers to Social Predators 

  • School Should Teach Self-Defense to All Female Students 

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics For College Students

  • Mental Health and Its Negligence in College Students 

  • Virtual Schooling is More Effective 

  • On-Site Versus Online Classes 

  • Hardships of Balancing Social and Academic Life in College

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Colleges Kids 

  • Interpersonal Relationships and Their Impact on College Kids 

  • Dangerous Social Media Poses on Student Creativity 

  • Creative Limitations In the Education System

  • How are Environmental Crises Affecting Us? 

  • The Limitations of the Education System 

  • Denial and Isolation In Young Adults 

  • Modern Society is Losing Young Adults to Isolation 

  • Dissociation as Trauma Response On Campus 

  • Virtual Therapy and Its Acceptance 

  • Students Loans and Race of Career 

  • Combating Boredom in College 

  • Uniforms and Dresscodes In Young Adults 

  • How Does the Show Euphoria Mock Dress Code Culture 

  • Fines and Hefty Taxes on Smoking 

  • Racial Inequality and Feminism 

  • Self and Identity in the Post-Colonial Era 

  • Lack of Equal Educational Opportunities

  • College Essay Writing Service or ChatGPT

  • Job Opportunities Don’t Care for Grades 

  • Best 21st-Century Scientific Innovation 

  • Is AI Going to Rule Humanity 

  • Flying Cars are a Need 

  • Meta Verse and Its Implications

  • PUBG and Its Adverse Effects on Students

  • Millennials Lack of Interest in Politics

  • Why Do Top Colleges Have Only a 5-10% Acceptance Rate

Unique Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Is Batman more powerful than Superman?

  • Will we see stem cell research taking over traditional medicine?

  • Why is Ferrari everyone’s dream car?

  • Why Covid vaccines showing brain cell damage in elders?

  • Why do American presidential candidates fail to deliver a good persuasive speech?

  • Is remote working more effective than on-site working?

  • Failure of corporate culture in America

  • Rise of telecom giant Blackberry and its decline 

  • Why Egyptians were better than Mesopotamians 

  • How Chinese influence is challenging American interest in the world 

  • Why mermaids present a great view of human psychology 

  • Why one-day Atheism will rule the world

  • Do news channels sell information?

  • Vlogging will end Hollywood.

  • How did the Interstellar movie inspire the scientific community to search for new earth?

  • End of civil liberties in Hong Kong

  • Pizza vs. Hamburger. Which is better?

  • B-21 Raider will outperform F-22 raptor

  • Chinese Yuan vs. United States Dollar. Which will become a global currency?

  • Is Keto-diet enough to lose weight?

  • Why are antidepressants not the cure for depression?

  • Is loneliness a risk factor for suicide?

  • Rise of the rape case in North America

  • Endangered species and their hunt by billionaires 

  • Are introverts more prone to become serial killers?

Students, after using these topics, you can write a successful persuasive speech effortlessly.

Persuasive Speech Topics For Teens

Writing or delivering a speech to many teenagers can be a tough job. It takes a lot of work to grasp their attention. However, with the help of our persuasive speech topics, you’ll find it easier to compose a compelling speech. The key to make your essay readable and comprehensive is to use persuasive essay transition words properly in the context. 

  • Why is the school system making teenage life hard?

  • Getting married in the teenage for professional athletes

  • Teenage pregnancy and its consequences

  • Why is renewable energy the solution we need?

  • Is the death penalty ethical in 2023?

  • Teenage suicides are caused by bullying.

  • Is “13 Reasons Why” showing the reality of American high schools

  • You’ll never get another shot at teenage life

  • Why is dancing in teenagers not weird?

  • Music therapy for Teens

  • Why are teens more interested in cyberbullying?

  • Can we educate teens, or should they learn from their own mistakes?

  • Why do teenagers like TikTok?

  • Rise of social media and its adverse effects on teens

  • Can we end the rise of selfies, or will it grow more?

  • Why do teens love to take Viagra?

  • Animal testing should be banned. 

  • Teens love violent video games.

  • The military budget should be used for student debt paying

  • Vampires vs. Werewolf. Which creature is loved by high school students?

  • Why do college athletes love watching porn?

  • Should colleges ban smoking on the premises?

  • Eating disorders in teens

  • Is Hollywood badly influencing students into misuse of cell phones?

  • Getting a job is better than playing video games all day.

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With the sudden rise in influencers and motivational speakers, you can bet persuasive speech is not limited to school projects. Our team of professionals has done extensive research to gather these amazing and interesting persuasive speech topics for you to enjoy and work on. Pick any of these debatable topics for your perfect essay writing assignments and score a good grade.

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