5 Factors Contributing to High Student Suicide Rate

One thing that has been seen over the years in the education system is the high student suicide rates, particularly in the college students. In this blog, we are going to look into the potential factors contributing to the suicide rate increasing. We, as a top essay writing service, are always here to share students’ academic pressure and burden.

Are Suicide Rates Increasing?

Unfortunately, YES. Suicide is the second leading cause of the death around the globe. According to the statistics collected by the University of Michigan, approximately 1100 students commit suicide on campuses around the world per year. Around 38 percent of students have thought about or considered suicide.

Such higher suicide rates raise questions regarding the education system that fails to facilitate the students and pushes them to such despair.

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5 Major Factors Contributing to Student Suicide On the Rise

College life is one of the best transitioning phases of a student’s life. It changes the dynamics and the nature of experiences that students go through in academic institutions. Aside from all the fun activities college offers, the academic stress and pressure continue to hunt students and take away their will to live. It is one of the biggest challenges in college, and the peaking suicide rates of students are alarming. In the below section, we are going to discuss the factors that contribute to the high student suicide rate.

Lack of Mental Support

  • College Students are young and at the ideal level of mental vulnerability.

  • Since they are going through a new phase of life, it’s normal for them to face disappointments and failures.

  • Colleges and academic institutions do little to cater to students’ stress and mental illnesses, and this arrogance will further worsen the mental state of the student.

  • The lack of mental and moral support will plant that failure in the student’s mind and remind them how much of a disappointment they are.

  • With no one to speak about their mental health, students are more likely to consider suicide as their last resort.

Mental Disorders

  • Most studies agree that student suicide rates are closely linked with the growing mental disorders.

  • Leading mental disorders to suicide are depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and intense social isolation.

  • Personality disorders like borderline personality disorder and antisocial disorders are also bigger contributors to the peaking student suicide rate.

  • Suicides caused by Schizophrenia might be lower than other mental illnesses, but it does a lot of damage to student’s mental health and suicidal thoughts.

  • Such mental illnesses might not be directly linked to academics, but the constant academic pressure does aid in strengthening these disorders.

History of Self Harm

  • Studies show that most students who commit suicide have a history of self-harm and have many previous suicide attempts.

  • According to the statistics, 25 to 30% of all cases of suicides have a history of previous suicide attempts.

  • Such habitual suicidal thoughts get worse when college life starts because it is filled with new challenges.

  • Students with previous history are more likely to commit suicide regardless of the academic pressure because they are emotionally vulnerable.

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Family Pressure and Stress

  • Family conditions play an important role in college students mental health issues.

  • Many studies show that students commit suicide due to family pressure.

  • Family’s financial instability and overall family environment affect a student’s academic performance on a daily basis.

  • The family might be physically or verbally abusive, and the environment of the home is toxic; all of these factors will cause the student to develop mental stress, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicidal thoughts.

  • The fear of disappointing one’s family contributes significantly to the higher suicide rate of students.

  • Studies have shown that most of the mental disorders in students are developed from their childhood, the behaviors they observed, and how they were treated.

Specific Life Events

  • Many students decide to end their lives because of some specific life events that happened in college.

  • Since college is a grand transition in life, there could be many things the students can’t get adjusted to, like demanding studying schedules, unavailability of college dorm essentials, dating, new people, and new places.

  • Some students decide to end their lives because they can’t put up with bullying events in college.

  • Some students might develop suicidal thoughts due to peer pressure and the constant struggle to be a person they don’t want to be.

  • Some even commit suicide due to the failure in romantic relationships.

  • Some unfortunate events of failing exams and getting humiliated by the professors push students into embarrassment so hard that they kill themselves.

  • The student might have faced rejection, humiliation, and disrespect in the events in college that took away their will to live.

  • Since college students are young, they have more chances to get emotionally unstable and sensitive due to any event that causes them distress.

Solutions Psychologists Suggests For Higher Student Suicide Rate

Developing Life Skills

Students need to develop a comprehension approach to life and indulge themselves in learning life skills like networking, social connection, having healthy hobbies, involvement in healthy sports, and adopting help-seeking behaviors.

Creating Social Relationships

Psychologists suggest that students should create more social behaviors and increase their interaction with people. It’s always helpful to maintain healthy mental health practices if students have someone to share their worries with and speak about their problems.

Meet Basic Needs

Most students develop mental health issues because they are stressed about their financial instability and student loans. The constant reminder of student debt will leave significantly less time for them to focus on mental health. That’s why it’s essential for students to meet their basic needs. The academic institutions and government can also facilitate them to make education affordable for them.

Providing opportunities to Speak

Psychologists suggest that academic institutions and the government need to invest in organizing mental health awareness seminars, to stop bullying in colleges, and related programmes to let the students speak more about her mental health and life issues.

Enhancing Interpersonal Skills

Students should be taught how to enhance their interpersonal skills and improve them in order to handle their personal and professional relationships. It will help them speak about their mental health even more.

Emotional Support Skills

Students need to improve their emotional support skills. The academic institutions and the instructors need to encourage students and closely notice their emotional state. Students should be heard and allowed to speak about their emotional vulnerabilities.

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Countries with Highest Suicide Rates in 2024



Suicide Rate 


Southern Africa



Northern Mainland of South America



Eastern Region of South Africa


South Korea

Eastern Asia, Southern Half of Korean Peninsula 



Island Country in Oceania, Central Pacific Ocean



Island Country in Micronesia, A Subregion of Oceania



Baltic Region of Europe



The northeast coast of South America



Eastern Europe and Northern Asia


South Africa

Southernmost region of Africa 


Data Source: World Population Review

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To Sum Up

The student suicide rate is increasing at an alarming rate. Some of the most potential factors contributing to it are the specific life events, mental disorders, history of self harm, lack of Mental support, and family pressure. The government and educational system need to understand these factors and take preventive measures to save more lives.

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