Discussing Different Types Of Assignment Writing

Assignments are common assessments in most academic institutions, and they aim to test student’s research, analytical, critical, and problem-solving skills. Assignments are one of the main drivers of student performance, and they represent the understanding and knowledge of students regarding whatever course they are enrolled in.

The overall purpose of assignment writing is to judge a student’s progress in the course. Assignment types vary from the range of courses and their specifications. Every assignment type serves a distinctive purpose. Check out this blog to learn more about the types of assignment writing and what are their distinctive points.

Assignment Writing Types

In an institution, multiple courses and programs are offered, and the assignment types vary for each of those courses. Students are evaluated on their knowledge and skills in what they are studying specifically. That’s why assignments are of different kinds based on the purpose they serve. Let’s dig more into the different types and ways of assignment writing and uncover their significance.

Traditional Academic Assignments

Traditional academic assignments are the commonly assigned assignments to the college-level and university-level students. These assignments aim to evaluate students’ research for in-depth knowledge regarding their respective fields. These kinds of assignments contain different expository tasks such as essays, research papers, and report writing.

Generally, these assignments command students to develop strong arguments and thesis statements and then engage with those ideas through evidence-based research. Instructors give students some questions or a topic and ask them to critically analyze it, evaluate it, or discuss it through credible supporting information. These types of assignments strictly follow a standard format or guideline.


Essays are the most common types of assignment writing. The essays in these traditional assignments depend on the nature of the course. For example, descriptive essays are well suited for history students, and argumentative essays work best for law students, narrative essays are great for art and literature students. The perfect essay writing process requires clarification of the primary goals of the essay and then writing the context according to the standard format.


Reports are also common traditional assignments in universities that refer to the overview or summarization of events and planning by students. These are mostly formal documents that aim to evaluate student’s observations of a particular event and ask them to locate and find potential reasons for its failure or success. Most reports consist of a student’s investigation, analysis, understanding, judgment, and presentation of a particular event, topic, or issue. The most popular types of reports are lab reports, business reports, and research reports.

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Research Papers

Research papers are short, highly focused papers that discuss a certain phenomenon, concept, statement, or subject. Research papers are mainly assigned to the students in order to evaluate their research skills, methodology, and understanding of the research fundamentals.


Presentations are considered one of the most common challenges of assignment writing as they involve presenting the topics to the whole class and professor. They are usually the best assessments to evaluate a student’s confidence, speaking, and communication skills.

Less Traditional Academic Assignments

Less traditional academic assignment refers to the papers that are written in an academic setting that doesn’t follow the traditional method. These assignments refer to the tasks that aim to get a response, suggestion, observation, or personal experience of the students. These assignments engage students in academic work that isn’t associated with the typical experience of undergraduate level.

Less traditional academic assignments are assigned in order to bring out the student’s creativity, mindset, understanding, and experiences without binding them to traditional outlines and formats. Unlike traditional assignments, these less traditional assignments don’t require much credible evidence and information collection. Let’s take a look at the following examples of such assignments.

An Imaginary Scenario Setting

Professors may ask students to imagine a scenario setting and then develop the arguments, discussions, introductions, and main points from the characters in that scenario or the imaginary condition. For example, in an imaginary scenario of a worldwide medical conference on cancer cure, students will then be asked to imagine and detail the events, main points, potential members, and discussion material of that conference.

Such types of assignment writing require a lot of work from understanding the conference fundamentals and the environment of it. However, the good thing about these assignments is that students have freedom of expression, and they can be as creative as they can.

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Designing a New Setting

To make it even more exciting, professors assign the task of designing and generating a new setting, a set of events, or a location and then detailing the event’s impact, and major details of that new setting. For example, instructors give the assignment of creating a new virtual museum site and then listing down the imaginary artifacts and objects in the museum. Students can write the history and introduction of those objects with an annotated bibliography to make the assignment even more impressive.

Traditional Non-Academic Assignments

Traditional non academic assignments refer to the assignment that aims to engage students with the settings, conditions, and the world around them. Attending classes on a daily routine and studying all the theoretical topics may lead students to keep a distance from the surrounding environment and the world they are living in.

Non academic assignments help students to connect with the world and to understand the essential concepts and phenomena impacting the world. Such assignments aim to spread awareness among students and introduce them to the practical world. Let’s look into some examples of such assignments.

Memo writing

Some instructors give the assignments of writing policy memos to the students in order to develop their professional writing skills. Memo writing refers to observing and evaluating a certain non academic activity or historically significant event and then writing a policy or report to highlight the main causes and effects of that event.

Such assignments also guide students on how to outline and format professional memos. Such knowledge will help students in their professional lives and help build their careers. Students will have an advanced grip on writing that will help them not only engage in business writing and published writing but also provide any general or proper assignment writing service in future.


Some instructors assign students the task of writing letters. These assignment writing types aim to teach students how to outline the letter and what could be the potential format, script, and expected outcome of the letter. Professors provide guides and advice on writing effective letters that will always help students in their personal lives. The letters could be written for a particular reason like a condolence letter, congratulatory letter, instructive letter, or just a greeting letter.

Less Traditional Non-Academic Assignments

Last but not least, less traditional non academic assignments are more likely to focus on creative and artistic aspects. Writing is less involved in such practical and performance oriented assignments but not fully absent. These assignments don’t usually follow the traditional academic structure and background and concentrate more on evaluating student’s creativity and unique perspective. Let’s take a look at the examples of less traditional non academic assignments.

Movies or Documentaries

Movies spark immediate interest in the students due to its entertainment aspect. That’s why many institutions try to combine entertainment with academic learning through movie and documentary-making assignments. These types of assignment writing are popular among students.

Instructors assign students the task of making a movie or an informative documentary that will serve the purpose of evaluating students’ ability to experiment with different things and how well coordinated they are in terms of teamwork. Most of the time, students are given a certain topic to cover in that video assignment, and they need to write a script, narration, and scene creation in order to make the whole movie process effective.

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Art Assignments

Art students usually get the assignment of remaking a famous artist’s paintings or other artworks. These assignments also serve the purpose of understanding an artist’s approach and style and then applying. Writing might be less involved in such work, but it is used to describe the art pieces and detail their history and specialties. That’s why students need to follow the right steps of assignment writing to not fall back on the basic theoretical aspects.

For such kinds of assignments, students are given the informational sources of renowned painters or other artists to follow, and students are asked to observe the medium and famous art movements and then apply them into their own artworks. Such assignments help students understand more about their artistic specialty and real-life practices in their respective fields.

Final Words

Now that you’ve made it to the end of this blog, you will be able to categorize different types of assignment writing. The assignment you are assigned is based on what kind of course you are studying and what place it has in the academic field. Before attempting any assignment, you should read the guidelines to get to know what is expected from you and what you can take away from it from a learning and growth perspective.

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