Shockingly Appealing Starter Sentences For Essays 

The way of using words is fundamental for conveying the primary message of the essay effectively and accurately. The key to successful essays is the flow of the essay, and the key to the flow of the essay is the effectiveness of sentence starters in every paragraph of the essay.

Sentence starters are the phrases that help introduce the rest of a paragraph in an essay. Check out this exclusive blog by a professional essay service that details starter sentences for essays and how to effectively use them within the context.

What Are The Sentence Starters For Essays?

Sentence starters are phrases that help in connecting the paragraphs in an essay and organizing all the information. They are a set of words that are used at the start of the sentence in order to introduce what the rest of the sentence and paragraph are going to be about.

With sentence starters, the essay will look more organized and complex to understand. Starter sentences for essays can be pretty challenging, so if you get stuck somewhere in your essay, feel free to contact our professional essay writers to help you with your essay and elevate it to perfection.

Essay Sentence Starters

There are different types of sentence starters that help organize an essay; in the below section, we have shared some of the best examples of sentence starters according to the kind of sentence that accompanies them.

Starter Sentences For Essays Introduction

The introduction of an essay is very important in order to grab the reader’s attention and hook them to read the essay till the end. The starter sentences in the introduction describe what the essay is about and what it aims for. Let’s take a look at some of the good first sentences for essays.

  1. “This essay discusses…”

  2. “This study aims to…”

  3. “The previous research in the area interpreted…”

  4. “The primary purpose of this essay is…”

  5. “The main subject of our research is….”

Essay Topic Sentence Starters

It would help if you introduced the topic to the audience at the start of your essay. It would help to reveal what your essay is about and what the readers can take away from it. Suppose your essay topic is what is a descriptive paragraph, you need to introduce it by describing what the essay aims to deliver. It will declare the essay’s purpose and what the readers can expect from it. Following are some sentence starters for topics.

  1. “This essay discusses…”

  2. “In this paper…”

  3. “Below, you will find…”

  4. “This essay details…”

  5. “This paper aims to…”

  6. “This discussion is about…”

  7. “The primary purpose of this essay…”

Body Paragraph Starter Sentences For Essays

Body paragraphs are present in the essay’s body, which explains the evidence and the factual information. It’s essential for all the body paragraphs to be interconnected and relevant to each other because they need to resonate with the central thesis statement of the essay.

The transition from one paragraph to another gives a flow to the essay. Let’s take a look at some sentence starters for body paragraphs.

  1. “Firstly…”

  2. “Moreover…”

  3. “Therefore…”

  4. “However…”

  5. “Additionally…”

  6. “In this case…”

  7. “Secondly…”

  8. “Furthermore…”

  9. “Moving on…”

  10. “Eventually…”

Good Starter Sentences For Comparison

In an essay, the writer analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the evidence they collect in order to make their main claim. That’s why it’s essential to cater to the evidence, transition towards the counterclaims, and then make a judgment based on it. Without proper organization, the essay will be just a cluster of data that hasn’t been transformed into information properly.

That’s why it’s essential to use starter sentences for every argument you are going to discuss in order to show its relation with the rest of the content. Following are some sentence starters for showing comparison and contrast between two paragraphs or two concepts.

  1. “In contrast…”

  2. “In comparison…”

  3. “Unlike the previous point…”

  4. “To compare…”

  5. “This statement contrasts…”

  6. “Likewise…”

  7. “In the same way…”

Starter Sentences For Essays For Sequences and Lists

An essay also has several series and sequences that help show the classification of different elements. These sequences might organize other points of the same concept or multiple discussion points. It helps write instructions and gives a flow to the series of events and how they impacted the main thesis statement or argument.

  1. “First of all…”

  2. “Firstly…” 

  3. “Secondly…”

  4. “Thirdly…” 

  5. “In the end…” 

  6. “Next…”

  7. “Afterwards…”

  8. “Eventually…”

  9. “Later…”

  10.  â€śOnce again…”

Sentence Starters For Adding New Points

In the midst of writing an essay and interpreting evidence, if you feel the need to introduce a new point of discussion, you need to do it with the proper sentence starters. You can’t just throw new discussion points in the essay because it will make your context look disorganized and confusing. The following sentence starters are going to help you transition to new points.

  1. “On the other hand…”

  2. “However…”

  3. “Furthermore…”

  4. “Additionally…”

  5. “Even more important…

  6. “Also…”

  7. “In addition…”

  8. “Otherwise…”

  9. “Unlike this…”

  10. “Further on this issue…” 

Starter Sentence For References

There are plenty of instances where you will have to quote information from other sources in your essay. To reference an outside source to support your claim, you must properly take the reader to that point. Refrain from mentioning the references without writing them differently from the rest of the text. Use the following starter sentences to quote the references.

  1. “According to….”

  2. “Based on the findings of…”

  3. “As previous research described…”

  4. “As explained by…”

  5. “With Regards to…”

  6. “As explored by…”

  7. As seen in…”

  8. “With regards to…”

Sentence Starters To Present Uncertainties

At some point in your essay, there might be some points that will bring doubt to your statement. You will have to make sure that it won’t weaken your thesis and affect your research. Sentence starters also help in making the thesis and essay longer with words that are necessary only, and help you stay away from redundancy. You need to cater to those points of discussion in a positive light and provide a better context in which those points of conversation can be correct.

  1. “Although the results suggest…”

  2. “It Is plausible that…”

  3. “This statement might be true, but…”

  4. “It remains unclear whether…”

  5. “It’s hard to say that…”

  6. “Although not proven…”

  7. “It’s possible that…”

  8. “Perhaps…”

  9. “Then again…”

  10. “It may be that…”

  11. “While debatable…”

  12. “Conversely…”

  13. “Notwithstanding…”

  14. “Despite that…”

  15. “Instead…”

Starter Sentences For Essays Conclusion

The conclusion is a mandatory part of an essay because it summarizes all the information, points, and aspects discussed in the essay context. The conclusion plays a vital role in gathering all the potential points to show the key results the essay has found and how it achieved the set goal.

  1. “In summary…”

  2. “To summarize…”

  3. “In conclusion…”

  4. “To conclude…”

  5. “At last…”

  6. “In review…”

  7. “To sum up…”

  8. “To review…”

  9. “Over All…”

  10. “On the whole…”

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Sentence Starters For Examples

It would help if you used sentence starters before adding an example in your essay as well. You have to make sure that the readers understand if you are speaking hypothetically or giving some examples to make your point across. Following are some starter words that you can use before stating an example.

  1. “For example…”

  2. “We can see this in…”

  3. “Consider the following case of…”

  4. “This is evidenced by…”

  5. “To illustrate…”

  6. “For instance…”

  7. “Specifically…”

  8. “Let’s understand with an example…”

  9. “Considering this…”

  10. “Take the example of…”

Sentence Starters To Present Cause And Effect

You need to present the causes and effects of some problems and social issues in society and to get your point across to the reader; you need to use the right words and transitions. Following are the starter sentences that will help you transition from explaining causes or effects.

  1. “As a result…”

  2. “Accordingly…”

  3. “Consequently…”

  4. “Because of…”

  5. “Due to…”

  6. “For this reason…”

  7. “Thus…”

  8. “Hence…”

  9. “Therefore…”

  10. “This means that…”

  11. “That is why…”

  12. “It clarifies that…”

Sentence Starters for Showing Emphasis

There are some sets of words that help represent the emphasis on specific concepts or phrases. Sometimes, these sentence starters are used in the conclusion of an essay to show the importance of the critical results. Following are some sentence starters that you can use in the context to display emphasis on specific points.

  1. “Above all…”

  2. “Above mentioned…”

  3. “Indeed….”

  4. “Undoubtedly…”

  5. “Unarguably…”

  6. “Namely…”

  7. “Generally speaking…”

  8. “Most importantly…”

  9. “Undoubtedly…”

  10. “Obviously…”

Sentence starters for Traditional Accepted Concepts

You might have to use some traditionally accepted terms and concepts in your essay in order to show relevance to the social norms. These sentence starters help readers understand the position of that particular concept and where it stands from the viewpoints of the research. Let’s take a look at sentence starters in this category.

  1. “Initially…”

  2. “Conventionally…”

  3. “In the past…”

  4. “Historically…”

  5. “Commercially…”

  6. “Until now…”

  7. “Customarily…”

  8. “Culturally…”

  9. “Ethically…”

  10. “Recently…”

  11. “Previously…”

Why Sentence Starters for Essays are Important?

Sentence starters are a highly recommended set of words that uplifts an essay to perfection. Instructors and professors across the globe always suggest and recommend sentence starters and writing conventions in order to write an impactful essay.

Sentence starters help in grabbing the reader’s attention and make them focus on what the position of the following sentence is in the essay. These sentences also help readers understand the level and purpose of writing. It will make it easy for the reader to follow the essay flow comprehendingly.

Starter sentences are going to provide a roadmap to your essay and estimate which direction your research and finding are going. If you use the starter sentences that tell the reader what the topic previously has done, what are the present implications, and what future opportunities it has, it will resonate with the importance of your research topic and thesis statement.

Starter sentences provide a smooth transition from one point to another. It might be confusing to just jump onto a new point of discussion, that’s why starter sentences help in creating context and actually making sense of most of the content. Starter sentences are also very helpful for students who skim through an essay.

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Looking For Assistance?

Starter sentences really help in making your essay perfect, but they might need help to use in the proper place. Don’t struggle anymore with your essay, and rely on our assignment writing service to get your work done with absolute accuracy.

Wrapping Up

You’ve made it to the end of this ultimate guide to use starter sentences for essays. Sentence starters in essays are very important because they help in conveying the actual message of the writer. They are very essential in showing relevancy, reference, and transition from one thought, concept, idea, or topic to another. 

There are sentence starters for every possible scenario, whether the introduction, body paragraphs, or conclusion. You can also use starter sentences to show sequences, timing, expression, uncertainties, new points, cause and effect, emphasis, and comparison.

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