Proven Parents Involvement in Modern Education

Parents involvement in modern education is one of the major concerns these days. According to American Progress, parents for all age groups students must participate in their ongoing studies and communicate with their teachers occasionally. Plus, other recent studies have also suggested that parental participation in education has worked positively for students.

Importance of Parental Involvement in Education

Parents’ involvement in modern education is important for several reasons. Firstly, parents can support their kids’ critical thinking and technological skills. Plus, parental involvement will instill values in children towards emotional and environmental well-being. Moreover, parents can ensure an effective learning experience that would set their kids up for a bright future.

Who Should Understand this On Priority?

This is meant for parents who want to find ways of getting engaged with their children’s education betterment. Here they will read some tips along with the challenges and real-life scenarios for the possibility of such. Plus, students above 8th grade can also read and understand the points shared here to improve their understanding. In a nutshell, it’s all about the importance of parental involvement in education in little of the things. Whether it is to improve their writing mechanics or simple help them out in concept development of certain topic.

Furthermore, the author chose to write about parental involvement in modern education due to a personal experience. ‘I witnessed my child struggling to adapt to the new educational methods so I decided to play my role as a father in the children’s learning journey. Within one week of dedicated involvement, I learned that it is positively impacting my child’s academic success. Such an experience has motivated me to share insights and strategies in this article to empower parents in dealing with the challenges of involvement in modern education.

Statistics of Communication System Parents Prefer

The stats below are extracted from a study that evaluated how much parents agree with the modern education system. It also details what activities parents consider most important and convenient for communicating with teachers in regard to their children’s education. It also represents what mode of communication parents prefer for involvement in modern education.

Communication System 

Percentage Of How Important It is On The Scale Of 100

Parent-Teacher Meeting


Paper Notification




Personalized Calls or Panels




Web Based Platform




Social Media




Source: American Progress

Major Challenges of Parents Involvement in Modern Education and Their Solutions

Here’s a quick overview of challenges and solutions for parental participation in education of their kids.



Busy work schedules

Schedule regular dedicated time for involvement

Lack of understanding modern methods

Attend workshops or online courses on modern education

Language or cultural barriers

Seek out support from school or community resources

Lack of communication with school

Initiate regular communication with teachers and administrators

Parents have a direct influence on their children more than their peers or the teachers. Education is a basic necessity for every human being, and with the advancement of technology, it has undergone drastic changes over time. Nowadays, parents are more encouraged to be involved in their children’s education and school activities.

We see seminars where experts advise parents to be present for their children during their academic years because it’s so important for parents to be involved and engaged with what their children do in school. Parents encounter several challenges when they try to be involved with their children’s education.


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Let’s get into the discussion of the challenges and solutions of parent involvement in schools.

Knowledge Restrain

Modern education is shifting towards digital devices and technological advancement. Every day, a new technology, software, or device is launched to aid students in their academic journey. Biggest challenge of parents involvement in modern education is not having the proper knowledge and know-how of the new education standards. They are not familiar with technological involvement and new learning techniques.

This pattern can be seen during the global pandemic 2020, when students switched to online education. Parents had difficulty adapting to their children’s online classes, ebooks, assignments, and schedules. After homeschooling their children, they finally understood the struggle teachers put into teaching. Even sometimes tasks like making an essay longer with words by keeping the quality on track becomes hectic for them.

Lack of proper knowledge will create a barrier between children and parents. Parents will convince themselves they are not knowledgeable enough to be involved in their children’s studies. Therefore, most parents leave their children alone on their academic journey when they realize they are left behind on the new education guidelines. This is the most reported issue by parents all around the world.

Solution to Fill the Knowledge Gap

How to get familiar with the new educational standards? Widely asked question with a simple answer: Learn. You can’t barge into your child’s room and ask them what they are doing. It would help if you slipped into the students’ academic life slowly. It’s understood that you won’t understand some things at first, but who says you can’t learn the new educational standards?

Talk to your children and ask them what they have been learning and working on in school. Engage with the teachers at parent meetings to learn about new educational practices and guides. Take time to search for new techniques commonly used in your children’s schools. We can assure you one thing: after learning the new standard of education, you will be helping your children and enhancing your own knowledge and expertise. It’s really going to power up parents involvement in modern education.

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Having No Time

One of the biggest challenges of parental involvement is the lack of time. Parents work most of the day, and when they return home, they are not in the mood to get involved in homework or such activities. Children have no time to interact with their parents, and parents have no time to see what their children have been up to. This widens the gap between the bonding and knowledge of a parent and a child.

The Solution to Make Time For Your Children’s Education

Many parents argue they can’t get involved with their children because they have a job. Well, it’s great that you have a job, but do you know you can still interact with your children without leaving your job? Mind Blowing, isn’t it?

The very first thing you need to do is to balance your work and life. Parents involvement in modern education is necessary. Your children need your attention more than your job in the early years. Try to make a timetable in your house when you are around your children, listening to their school stories and observing them doing homework. Ask them questions to make them feel observed and wanted. Let them know you are interested in their studies and are willing to know more about what they do. Trust us on this; your children will be happy to have your attention. If you can’t make time daily due to your tough job, make time at the weekend to let your children feel your presence and care.

Say No to Uncooperative School

Another challenge that many parents reported is that schools and teachers are inaccessible. It depends on the institution your child is enrolled in. Some institutions are strict, while others are friendly and open to parental discussion. In some schools, parents may have no direct access to the school’s teachers and staff.

Solution for inaccessible Schools

Change it. That’s being said. Switch schools of your children if you find that the school teachers, principal, and staff aren’t in your access. You are investing your resources in your children’s education, and you have the right to get answers to your queries regarding the education system and practice. You can raise the issues at the parent-teacher meetings and address your concerns. If nothing can be done to improve the situation, simply switch to a school that allows you to be involved with the institution and teachers.

Cultural and Power Gap Between Home and School

Parents involvement in modern education revealed that communication with schools and teachers is very difficult for parents. It might be because teachers and parents come from different backgrounds and education levels. Parents might feel embarrassed if they are not fluent in English, so they miss the parent-teacher meetings and stay at a distance from their children’s education. They might feel intimidated and unwelcome at school.

Solution to Lower the Cultural and Power Gap

What can you do as a parent to lower the power gap and become more involved in your children’s education? You can try. The best thing you can do in this scenario is to try and attend the meetings no matter what. The school needs to encourage parents’ involvement by communicating in different ways and arranging different events. Parents can get in touch with their children’s teachers through phone or email. Accessing your children’s reports, homework, assessments, and more on the phone in the modern education system has become very easy.

5 Key Solutions for Successful Parental Involvement in Education



Uninterested children

Parents can guide their children in their homework and spare time to sit with them and properly talk about their day. Parental interest and Involvement boost children’s confidence. Give them out of the box task from satire essay topics to check their activeness and to develop their interest back in work. 


Parents involvement in modern education and children’s daily activities at school helps eliminate absenteeism.

Parent’s uninvolvement

Teachers need to organize different meetings to properly talk with the parents regarding their children’s studies.

Unfamiliarity with new Education Standards

Parents might not be well aware of the new standards and techniques of education. Parents can cater to this challenge with constant involvement with the teachers and by staying current with technological trends.

No Communication

Parental involvement in education helps improve the communication between parents, teachers, and children.

Best Resources To Learn Involvement In Modern Education of Kids as Parents

Here are some resources to acquire the skills of engaging with modern education of your children.

  1. Go through online courses on parenting and modern education available at platforms such as Coursera Everyday Parenting courses.
  2. Read some books like “The Whole-Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel.
  3. Go through articles on credible websites like Lyceum International School for parental education in modern education and more.
  4. Ensure to attend local parenting workshops about child development.
  5. Go through some educational podcasts for parenting tips on YouTube.Such as Ask Lisa podcast who always have some good points to share.

Benefits of Parental Involvement in Education

Parents’ involvement in school is very important and highly recommended. Let’s take a look into what are the major benefits of parental involvement.

  • Reduce absenteeism

  • Improves learning

  • Encourages better behavior

  • Enhance accomplishments

  • Thriving Parent-Teacher relationship

  • Educate the parents

  • Improves parent-children relationship

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How Can You Get Help?

If you are a parent and have little idea how to help your children with their school work, don’t worry; our essay service and useful guides will help you learn more about the current academic standards.

Start Involving in Your Child’s Education

Parents involvement in modern education is crucial in children’s growth and development. However, big challenges include knowledge restraint, lack of time, cultural and power gaps, and uncooperative schools. Author has detailed the solutions for parents’ issues and guides them on how to get effectively involved in the studies to make their children feel motivated and cared for.

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