How to start a descriptive essay?

Descriptive writing is a type of writing that is aimed to create a visual picture in the mind of a reader. The reader should feel as if they are there and watching the scene unfold. It focuses on sensory details and goes into detail about what is happening.

The first step to an effective descriptive essay beginning is to note the five senses which are sight, smell, hearing, taste, feeling. Then think about what you want your readers to experience. What do you want them to see? What do you want them to hear? What do they smell? Do they taste anything? Do they feel anything? With this information in mind, start by introducing the topic with a paragraph describing the setting or setting up your characters or both.

A General Guideline to Start Your Descriptive Essay?

It is a way of describing an object, person, or place by using the five senses. The idea behind it is to give the reader an experience of the topic through your words. It’s not just about providing facts but also giving a perfectionist’s guide to college essay

The format for this essay should include the following:

  1. Introduction

  2. Thesis statement

  3. Body paragraph 1

  4. Body paragraph 2

  5. The conclusion

There are many ways to start your perfect essay writing in a descriptive way, but at the end of the day, it should be about what you want to describe. An essay that describes a particular person or place in detail is different from an expository essay that does not discuss personal feelings and beliefs.

Descriptive ones can be a difficult genre for some students because they have to focus on details and provide support for their claim with concrete evidence from their observations or from their reading of sources.

In order to know how to write an introduction paragraph about yourself, one must know what they want to describe in detail and provide evidence from observations and close sources.

The following steps will help you write your own good essays in a descriptive manner:

  1. Define your topic

  2. Gather information about your topic by looking

The problem with descriptive writing is that it can be quite hard to come up with a good topic to write about. If you’re struggling for ideas, try the following:

  1. Think of a time when you felt an intense emotion and describe how it made you feel.

  2. Compare and contrast two experiences that are very different from one another.

  3. Describe a person or people in your life who have had a big impact on you.

  4. Describe your favorite place.

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Example For How to Start Your Descriptive Essay:

In this section, you will learn about some descriptive essay examples to start an essay.

There are many ways to start;

  • You can use a sensory detail or an interesting fact, or set the scene to evoke a specific feeling. 

  • If you want to write about something visually impressive, you can describe the magnitude of it by comparing it with something else. 

  • When describing someone or something, it can be fun to open with an anecdote that sums up the main point of the story and then go into detail from there.

The rainbow fish is a beautifully illustrated book. The fish in the story are different colors, each one shines in its own way. This reflects the diversity of the world around us.

The manatees are gentle giants that live in coastal regions of Africa and America. They can grow up to 14 feet long and weigh over 4,000 pounds. These animals live off a diet of sea grasses and some fruit that they eat while they swim along the surface of the water.

A lot of people believe that parents have a huge influence on their children’s personality development because they’re always around them and shaping how they think and feel about themselves.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay About a Person?


On the surface, it may seem as though describing a person is an easy task to complete. Understanding the person and their actions should be simple, but it can be difficult to capture those aspects in words.

These essays are about bringing to life someone who is not present. They are all about describing who this person is, what they do, what they look like, how they act, their personality.

  • Discuss the person’s physical appearance: 

  • Discuss their personality traits: 

  • Discuss their habits, hobbies or common shared interests with you.

People are constantly changing. The way they act, the way they look, the way they feel. They have many different sides to them that are not always easily seen. So, it is difficult to sum up who they are in just a few words or sentences. Each person has their own unique personality that can’t be summarized by one word or sentence. 

  • What you need to do is find out what makes them tick and what their fears are and how it affects their life based on their upbringing and life experiences.

  • To start such an essay, you’ll first need to identify your audience and what they might want to know about the person you’re writing about. 

  • For example, if you’re talking about a famous politician or celebrity, people may want information about their policies or work history. 

  • If this is a personal essay and the person has influenced your life in some way, then other topics could include their personality traits and other characteristics that were important for you.

  • If you are talking about someone’s love life, you could talk about how they met their partner and what they liked or disliked in their partner. If they have a career, then the essay would focus on what they do for work and how it makes them feel.

Once you’ve determined what information readers would be interested in reading, then you’ll need to think about how they will most likely read this essay. This type of essay writing is not as simple as it may sound. It requires a lot of creativity and research on the person to be described.

  • In order to start describing a person, you need to establish something basic about them first. You can start by talking about their physical appearance or by discussing their personality traits.

  • Find some pictures of them and describe them in detail, using adjectives and adjectival phrases.

  • Once you have established this basic information, you can move on to different aspects of the individual’s life and talk about them in detail. 

  • You can talk about what they are like, or how they act. This will give the reader an idea of the person’s personality before you delve into their life story.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay About Yourself?

This section will help you figure out how to start your essay. It is important to understand the difference between a short and a long introduction. A short introduction usually includes one sentence about the topic and a long introduction usually includes an overview of the topic.

The following is a list of “how to” instructions for writing your own essay about yourself.

  1. Write an introduction paragraph about the topic of the essay.

  2. Describe what you look like in detail, including height, weight, hair color, eye color, and any other physical features that come to mind.

  3. Discuss your personality or character traits in depth – how you act in social settings, hobbies that you enjoy doing when not at work or school etc.

  4. Share any memories that come to mind when thinking about this time in your life – both good and bad experiences will be welcomed here! It’s important to remember whatever the experience was like for you at the time it happened, because it will give readers an idea of who you are as a person.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay About The Beach?


The beach is a place that has long been associated with luxury. The sand, the waves, the weather––it’s all perfect. But how do you start a Descriptive Essay About the Beach? Here are 8 descriptors to get you started.

  1. Salty air

  2. The sound of crashing waves

  3. Heat

  4. Sunshine

  5. Sand, so much sand!

  6. Ocean views

  7. Crisp ocean breezes

  8. A great way to relax and unwind

You can start your essay by describing the beach. You could mention the bright sunlight, the salty smell of seawater and how it feels like to be immersed in it. You could also mention walks on the beach and how you would see different shells every time you visit.

For example, I love going to the beach, I always feel like I’m home when I’m there. 

The beach is a place that always attracts people to it. There are many reasons why people love the beach, but one of the most important reasons why people love the beach is because they get to relax in it.

The atmosphere of the beach is also something that attracts people to it because when you are on the beach you are usually surrounded by water and other people who are happy. The sound of waves crashing against each other can be heard throughout the day, which can be calming for many people who come to visit.

There are also many things that you can do at the beach, such as swimming in the water or walking along any kind of shoreline or just laying out in a chair and reading a book. The best thing about beaches is that no matter what your interests may be there you get refreshing and mind relaxing vibes. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay Introduction?

Writing an essay is not as easy as it seems. It requires a lot of practice and skill to be able to write one. However, there are some steps that can be taken in order to make the process much easier and more enjoyable. This introductory paragraph should be short and sweet.

This type of essay can be used to recount personal memories or write about the sights and sounds that are around you. The introduction of this type of essay is usually done with a clear statement of what is being described in order for the reader to understand the purpose behind it.

The introduction paragraph should be written in three main parts: 

  1. A compelling opening sentence which introduces the topic in detail 

  2. An overview 

  3. A transition sentence which leads into the body paragraphs.

It’s important to introduce your audience with what they can expect from reading your paper. 

The first thing to remember about writing an introduction to this type of essay is that it sets the stage for the rest of your essay. You want your readers to be able to understand what you are going to talk about, so you need to lay out what is going on and what you are going to do in order for them to follow along.

This introduction should come with a question that will guide readers. It should also be very inviting and interesting to the reader, to make them want to read on for more information.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About Your Best Friend?


It is a type of paper that asks the writer to describe something in detail. The majority of these essays are written about people, places, objects, or events. It can be a descriptive essay about your favourite place, your best friend, or something else that you are passionate about or knowledgeable about.

A good way to start writing your essay about your best friend is by creating a list of adjectives to describe them. This will help you create more natural sentences and expressions. 

For example, if you want to describe how they are friendly, you can say “My best friend is always willing to help me out when I’m in need.” If you want to say how they are caring, then you could write “She showed me her affection by giving me a hug when I told her about my problems at work today.”

The following are some basic things to keep in mind while writing:

  1. Define who or what you are writing about

  2. Give detailed descriptions to show the reader what you are writing about

  3. Use adjectives and adverbs to describe your topic

  4. Be creative!

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Essays can also be used to describe one’s thoughts and feelings about something that has happened or about something that they have seen. It is always better to think about what you want to write before you start writing or you can also take help from our assignment writing service. This will make it easier for you to describe the person, place, event, or thing in your essay. You should also try to avoid using words or phrases that are too general.


There are many different ways that you can start off a descriptive essay. You can start with an introduction that tells the reader what they are about to read - this could be historical information, an explanation of how it relates to other events in history etc.

The descriptive essay is usually written in the first person and in present tense. It differs from other types of essays because it focuses on the details of the subject it's describing. These essays are usually analytical or emotional in nature.

There are six steps that you need to follow in order to create a good descriptive writing essay:

1) Brainstorming

2) Gathering Ideas 

3) Collecting Details

4) Organizing Details

5) Choosing a Point of View 

6) Writing Your Essay

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