All You Need to Know About Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a form of writing that seeks to present a point of view on an issue and back it up with evidence. Its primary purpose is to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s stance on a matter.

No doubt writing an argumentative essay can get very confusing. But don’t worry; this blog post has all the expert guidelines to help you know everything about such writing. So, let’s get to know them all.

Things You Should Know About Writing Argumentative Essay

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of academic writing where you have to look into a topic, do some research, come up with a stance or opinion, and then provide evidence to back it up. The goal is to convince the reader to agree with you by presenting strong evidence and arguments.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay?

Writing an argumentative essay requires going through a process that involves researching, utilizing critical thinking, and composing persuasively. Let’s take a closer look at every step, along with some examples so you don’t have to search how to write an argumentative essay again.

Step 1: Pick a Debatable Topic

A great argumentative paper should focus on an issue that has opposing views of people. For instance:

Example Topic:

Let’s say the topic of our argumentative essay is “Should standardized testing be eliminated in schools?’

Step 2: Invest Good Time in a Research

Gather any data that can back up your point of view. It could include academic papers, facts, expert opinions, and real-life examples.

For our topic:

A thorough research would help us understand the limitations of standardized testing.

Step 3: Craft a Clear Thesis Statement

You need to provide a clear statement that states your position and which is open to arguments.

Example of a Thesis Statement:

Testing that has been standardized should not be used in educational institutions as it does not accurately assess students’ capabilities.

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Step 4: Form an Outline

Constructing a structured argumentative essay outline can help organize one’s thoughts when writing. It conveys the argumentative essay format and might look something like this:

Argumentative Essay Introduction

  1. Hook

  2. Background information

  3. Thesis statement

Body Paragraphs

    A) Argument 1: Limitations of standardized testing

    Explanation: Issues with standardized testing

    Evidence: Research findings

    Analysis: How do these issues affect students

    B) Argument 2: Negative impact on the learning experience

    Explanation: How standardized testing narrows the curriculum?

    Evidence: Examples of schools focusing solely on test preparation

    Analysis: How this affects students’ holistic development

Counterargument and Rebuttal

    Counterargument: Standardized testing provides an objective measure

    Rebuttal: Explanation of subjective aspects of learning

    Evidence: Examples of creativity and critical thinking not measured


The conclusion for an argumentative essay includes:

  1. Restate thesis statement

  2. Summarize main arguments

  3. Concluding thoughts and call to action

Step 5: Write the Introduction

Wondering how to start an argumentative essay? Well, the answer is a good introduction. It is important to start with an intriguing hook to capture the readers’ attention. You must also put in some background information to contextualize the topic. The intro para should also end with a solid and clear thesis statement.

For example:

“It has been suggested that standardized testing, which is seen as a major part of modern education, may not be as reliable as previously thought. As educational practices continue to develop, the issue of how essential standardized testing should be in the school system has become a more pressing concern.”

Step 6: Develop Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph must begin with a sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main point. This should be followed up with further explanation, supporting evidence, analysis, and any counter arguments or rebuttals. Here’s an example of the first body paragraph:

“Smith et al. (2020) highlighted the weaknesses of standardized testing by demonstrating that it primarily evaluates students’ capacity for memorization and test-taking skills, rather than their thinking and creative abilities. This method of assessment does not take into account the different ways in which students learn and excel.”

Step 7: Address Counterarguments and Rebuttals

Be aware of any potential arguments against your position. You must be ready to provide strong responses that effectively counter those points of view. For instance:

“Standardized testing is often said to provide an impartial evaluation of student performance. Nevertheless, such tests cannot take into account the more subjective aspects of learning.”

Step 8: Write the Conclusion

Here you need to recap the main points of your essay, reiterate your thesis statement, and provide a final thought or suggestion for further action. For our topic, the conclusion of an argumentative essay would be like:

“When looking at the future of education, it is evident that standardized testing cannot be the only measure of a student’s aptitude.”

By utilizing assessment techniques that emphasize uniqueness and a thorough educational journey, we can prepare our students for an environment that requires problem-solving skills and versatility.”

Step 9: Revise and Edit

Go through your essay to ensure it is clear, logical, and error-free in grammar, spelling, and other elements. Getting feedback from peers or instructors can help ensure your argument is organized and convincing.

Transition words for argumentative essay

Transition words and phrases are essential for an argumentative essay to progress seamlessly between different ideas, arguments, and paragraphs.

Just know that transition words for argumentative essay can assist a reader in navigating through an essay by providing logical connections between different ideas presented. This list of transition words and phrases includes categories such as Addition, Comparison/Contrast, Illustration/Examples, Concession/Concluding, and Sequence/Order.

Let’s get to understand them with examples.

Introducing Arguments

  • To begin with,

  • Firstly,

  • Initially,

  • One might argue that

  • It is often said that

Example: To begin with, proponents of standardized testing often claim that it provides an objective measure of student performance.

Adding Similar Ideas

  • Similarly,

  • Likewise,
  • In the same vein,

  • Equally important,

Example: Similarly, alternative assessment methods provide a more holistic understanding of students’ capabilities.

Contrasting Ideas

  • However,

  • On the other hand,

  • In contrast,

  • Nevertheless,

  • Yet,

Example: On the other hand, critics of standardized testing argue that it narrows the curriculum and stifles creativity.

Providing Examples:

  • For instance,

  • For example,

  • As an illustration,

  • To illustrate,

Example: Some schools have successfully implemented project-based assessments that allow students to showcase their critical thinking skills.

Emphasizing a Point

  • Indeed,

  • In fact,

  • Of course,

  • Clearly,

  • Undoubtedly,

Example: Indeed, the limitations of standardized testing have been highlighted in various research studies.

Expressing Cause and Effect:

  • Because of this,

  • As a result,

  • Therefore,

  • Consequently,

Example: Because of this narrow focus on test preparation, students’ overall learning experience has been compromised.

Sequencing Ideas

  • Next,

  • Then,

  • Afterward,

  • Subsequently,

Example: Next, let’s delve into the counterarguments that support the continued use of standardized testing.

Summarizing and Concluding

  • In conclusion,

  • To sum up,

  • Ultimately,

  • To wrap up,

Example: To sum up, the transition from standardized testing to alternative assessment methods will ultimately lead to more well-rounded and adaptable students.

Adding Information

  • Furthermore,

  • Moreover,

  • Additionally,

  • In addition to,

Example: Additionally, incorporating peer assessments alongside traditional methods can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of students’ abilities.

Clarifying or Explaining

  • In other words,

  • To put it differently,

  • That is to say,

Example: In other words, standardized testing may inadvertently prioritize memorization over understanding.

Expressing Similarity

  • In a similar manner,

  • Similarly,

  • Likewise,

Example: In a similar manner, both sides of the debate agree on the importance of accurate assessment methods.

Addressing Counter Arguments

  • Admittedly,

  • Granted,

  • Of course,

Example: Admittedly, standardized testing offers a standardized way to evaluate large groups of students efficiently.

Reinforcing Ideas

  • Furthermore,

  • Moreover,

  • What’s more,

  • Additionally,

Example: Furthermore, research consistently shows that alternative assessment methods foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Providing a Summary

  • In summary,

  • To summarize,

  • To sum up,

Example: In summary, the transition to alternative assessment methods offers a more comprehensive approach to evaluating students’ skills and abilities.

Showing Contrast

  • On the contrary,

  • In contrast to,

  • Conversely,

Example: On the contrary, proponents of standardized testing argue that it ensures consistent and comparable data across schools.

focus of thesis statement

Social Media Argumentative Essay

Such an essay needs a writer to provide a logical examination of the influence of social media on people, communities, or particular facets of life.

For an argumentative essay about social media, you should explore both the positive and negative effects of the subject. Must provide evidence for each side and ultimately take a stance on whether the overall impact is beneficial or detrimental.

Argumentative essay body paragraph examples

Indeed, here are three argumentative essay body paragraph examples about the impact of social media:

Body Paragraph 1: Positive Aspects of social media

Social media has altered the way we communicate with each other and build relationships. It has enabled us to stay connected with people from around the world. Thus, it makes it easier to keep in touch with friends and family who live far away.

Platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp enable individuals to communicate with each other through messages, photos, and videos in real-time. It creates a feeling of connectedness even when people are far away.

Social media has revolutionized the way professionals network. Allows them to reach out to colleagues, employers, and customers. For instance, LinkedIn has become a popular tool for job hunters to display their abilities and accomplishments to a wider audience.

The Pew Research Center analysis indicated that four out of five LinkedIn users consider the platform beneficial for professional networking. It demonstrates that social media has positively affected communication and networking. Plus, it provides more chances for career advancement.

Body Paragraph 2: Negative Effects on Mental Health

Using social media a lot can have some serious consequences when it comes to mental health. Studies have found a link between heavy use of social media and feelings of anxiety and depression. It is something to consider if you’re spending too much time on the Internet.

Constantly seeing perfect pictures and enviable lifestyles on apps like Insta can cause us to feel bad about ourselves and compare ourselves to others, which is called the “social comparison” thing.

Additionally, social media can be addictive, and notifications and likes can give us a false sense of companionship, leaving us feeling isolated and lonely when we’re not online.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says teens who spend too much time on social media are more likely to struggle with depression and other mental health problems. Comparing yourself to others on social media can be damaging and even create new mental health issues. It’s a reminder of the not-so-great side of our digital world.

Body Paragraph 3: Impact on Personal Relationships

Nowadays, social media is part of our daily lives, and it has raised some worries about its effects on our actual conversations and the quality of our relationships. Social media can help people stay in touch with many people, but it can also result in superficial exchanges and an absence of deep connections.

Many people these days spend more time chatting with people on their screens than actually having real conversations with the people around them. What you put out on social media might differ from how you are.

A recent study from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships discovered that too much time on social media can cause a drop in relationship satisfaction for couples. It can lead to arguments and unhappiness. Although social media can be a great way to stay connected, it can harm relationships too.

Social Media Argumentative Essay Examples

These are some hot topics to craft a good social media argumentative essay on.

  • Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers in Social Media

  • Social Media’s Role in Political Mobilization

  • Effects of Social Media on Self-Image

  • Social Media’s Impact on News Consumption

  • Data Privacy and User Consent on Social Media

  • Influence of Social Media Influencers

  • Digital Citizenship Education for Social Media

  • Social Media and Cybersecurity Risks

Claim in An Argumentative Essay

In an argumentative essay, a claim in an argumentative essay is a brief and specific statement that expresses your opinion or position on a particular topic or issue. It serves as the basis of the essay, guiding the reader and outlining the point of view that will be defended in the essay. The claim should be precise, open to debate, and arguable, as it will be backed up by evidence and rationalization supporting your perspective.

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Paragraph starters for argumentative essays

Beginning a paragraph with a phrase or word that introduces, expands on, or transitions between ideas can help ensure a logical flow and continuity throughout the composition. This phrase or word helps guide the reader through the essay, making the arguments more comprehensible. Here’s a list of paragraph starters for argumentative essays with explanations and examples:

Introduction of Ideas

“One key point to consider is,”

Example: One key point to consider is the potential impact of climate change on coastal communities.

“It’s important to note that”

Example: It’s important to note that advancements in artificial intelligence are reshaping various industries.

Introducing Evidence

“According to [Source],”

Example: According to a recent study conducted by the World Health Organization, air pollution is linked to numerous health risks.

“For instance,”

Example: For instance, the increase in online education platforms has widened access to learning resources.

Providing Examples

“For example,”

For example, implementing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power has significantly reduced carbon emissions.

“To illustrate this point,”

Example: To illustrate this point, consider the case of a small business that successfully utilized social media marketing to reach a global audience.

Presenting Contrasting Views

“On the other hand,”

Example: On the other hand, critics argue that potential ecological risks may outweigh the benefits of genetically modified crops.

“In contrast to this view,”

Example: In contrast to this view, proponents of free trade emphasize its role in promoting global economic growth.

Summarizing or Concluding

“In conclusion,”

Example: In conclusion, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the idea that exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental well-being.

“To sum up,”

Example: To sum up, medical technology advancements have revolutionized the healthcare field.

Providing Background Information


Example: Historically, the industrial revolution marked a significant shift in the way societies functioned.

“In recent years,”

Example: In recent years, discussions about gender equality have gained momentum across various sectors.

Transitioning Between Ideas


Example: Moreover, advancements in renewable energy technology have the potential to alleviate the challenges posed by climate change.


Example: Furthermore, the globalization of markets has increased cultural exchange and cross-border trade.

Expressing Cause and Effect:

“As a result,”

Example: As a result, the depletion of natural resources has prompted researchers to explore sustainable alternatives.


Example: Consequently, the rise of online shopping has impacted the traditional brick-and-mortar retail industry.


Crafting a powerful argumentative essay requires careful consideration of the evidence presented and addressing competing viewpoints. It is vital to present well-reasoned arguments with solid backing and to consider opposing viewpoints respectfully and insightfully.

This blog post has shed light on almost everything about writing an argumentative essay. Hopefully, you have a good understanding of how to write an impressive one on your own.

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